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"NLEFIA is right on point with this program! For a 3-day shoot house instructor course, you get a blend of lecture & theory, progressive dry & live-fire drills, hands-on student instructor interaction and plenty of diagnostic feedback. You can't ask for anything more in a program like this! I highly recommend it."  - J. Krupa, Illinois    

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Live-Fire CQB / Shoot House Instructor Certification


Live-fire training in a shoot house is the pinnacle of all firearms training...and the most challenging for firearms instructors. Not only does the instructor have to watch all things related to firearms training and safety, but also has to simultaneously evaluate and critique the application of sound CQB tactics.  A firearms instructor that only has shoot house training experience as a student does not equate to being qualified to instruct live-fire training in a shoot house. Formal training and certification is highly recommended to conduct this level of live-fire training.

This 3-day / 24-hour instructor certification course is designed to teach firearms instructors how to conduct safe live-fire CQB training in a 360 degree live-fire training environment. In addition, instructors will learn how to increase the skill level and confidence of their students through proper debriefing and motivation.

This course is approved by the NRA LE Division for 24 hours of continuing education credit.

NOTE: This course may require the use of carbines / rifles, depending on the type of shoot house being used. Students don't need to be certified as a rifle instructor to attend.  However, students must have successfully completed a rifle operator certification course of 16+ hours to attend this course.

Course Topics: 

  • Justifying a live-fire CQB program for patrol officers
  • Shoot house construction and desired features
  • Learning various CQB principles and tactics
  • Safety and operational protocols
  • Student preparation
  • Student control techniques
  • Instructor positioning
  • Single room, multi-room, and full house drills
  • Skill drills vs. scenario-based drills
  • Conducting drills to "finality"
  • Conducting low light drills
  • Debriefing student performance
  • Getting students to "self discover" mistakes and solutions

Required Equipment: 

  • Ballistic vest (ballistic helmet optional)
  • Pistol and three magazines
  • Pistol mounted light (optional, but preferred)
  • Duty belt or belt holster & mag pouches
  • 200 rounds of pistol ammo (frangible may be required)
  • Rifle with three magazines. Tactical sling and weapon-mounted light are required.
  • Rifle mag pouches
  • 100 rounds of rifle ammo (frangible may be required)
  • Hand-held flashlight
  • Hat with a brim
  • Eye & ear protection (clear eye protection for night shoot)
  • Weather-appropriate outerwear
  • Hydration fluids & snacks

Hosting Requirements: 

  • Classroom with projector, screen, and whiteboard that is large enough for 20 people.
  • A shoot house with 360 degree ballistic capabilities
Organizations interested in hosting this course should contact us at training@nlefia.org .

Phone: 800-930-2953

Email: office@nlefia.org

Mailing Address: 

Box 17063

Tucson, AZ 85731

Hours of Operation: (AZ time)

Monday - Friday | 9am - 4pm

Closed: Weekends & Holidays

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