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"If you plan to use 1911 pistols in your agency, you need this class! "- John Doe

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1911 Single/Double Stack Pistols for Duty Use


The 1911 handgun is certainly not new in law enforcement, but it has taken a back seat to striker-fired platforms for a number of years and a number of reasons. As a result, some of the institutional knowledge for use and care has been lost. Now, thanks to Staccato and others, the 1911 is starting to make a comeback. Created by instructors with deep knowledge of the 1911 platform, NLEFIA is offering a 1911/2011 instructor development course.

This 2-day / 16-hour course is designed to provide firearms instructors with the information they need to implement a 1911/1911 DS training program within their agency. Topics covered include the history of the 1911, care and maintenance, thumb and grip safety manipulation, and teaching considerations. This course is not brand or platform specific. Any 1911 or 2011 style handgun is suitable.

Topics include:

  • History of the 1911 pistol in the military and in law enforcement
  • Pros & cons of the 1911 platform
  • 1911 variants
  • Policy considerations for approving and 1911 for on-duty and off-duty use
  • Safety manipulation and when to engage & disengage the external safety
  • Malfunctions & clearance procedures
  • One-handed shooting and manipulations
  • Basic line drills & advanced solo drills

Student Required Equipment:

  • A serviceable 1911 or 2011 style handgun (weapon light and mounted optic welcome, but not required)
  • Three magazines (double stack) / five magazines (single stack)
  • Duty Holster & magazine pouches preferred, but any quality belt holster and mag pouch will work
  • 500 rounds of practice ammo
  • Hand-held flashlight
  • Hat with a brim
  • Eye & ear protection
  • Weather appropriate gear
  • Hydration fluids and snacks

Hosting Requirements:

  • Classroom (for 16-20 people) with projector and screen or monitor
  • A 25-50 yard range, 10 lanes wide minimum
  • At least eight (8) portable target stands
  • Steel targets (optional)
  • Traffic / sport cones (10-12)
Organizations hosting this course will receive a minimum of two (2) FREE spots in the course.  Organizations interested in hosting a course should contact us at training@nlefia.org

Phone: 800-930-2953

Email: office@nlefia.org

Mailing Address: 

Box 17063

Tucson, AZ 85731

Hours of Operation: (AZ time)

Monday - Friday | 9am - 4pm

Closed: Weekends & Holidays

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