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National Survey: OIS with Pistol RDS

With the rise in popularity on the use of red dot sights (RDS) on duty pistols in law enforcement, the National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association (NLEFIA) has decided to conduct a long-term, multi-year national online survey to gather a variety of data from officer involved shootings (OIS) in which a pistol-mounted RDS was utilized. Many agencies across the nation have already authorized their officers to use a RDS on their duty pistol.

The prediction by many firearms training experts is that pistol-mounted RDS will be the "wave of the future" in law enforcement...while other experts are skeptical due to the amount of training that is required to be proficient with them. 

This online survey is for all local, state, and federal OIS incidents...on or off duty...past, present, and future...where a pistol-mounted RDS was used. This survey should only take 5-10 minutes to complete and will collect data on the following categories: pistol & RDS info, pre-incident / training info, OIS incident info, and overall performance.

This survey should only be completed by the officer who used a pistol RDS in the shooting, an investigator who was involved in the OIS investigation, or an agency firearms instructor who has been debriefed on the specifics of the shooting.

You can download the survey questions to help gather the correct information from the OIS. However, we ask that the formal submission be completed using the online version below.

NLEFIA will post an annual report of the survey. A summary report of current survey statistics are available anytime to NLEFIA members upon request.  Any questions about the survey can be directed to the National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Association (NLEFIA) at office@nlefia.org or 800-930-2953.

Thank you for your participation!

Download Survey Notice  |  Download Survey Questions

Phone: 800-930-2953

Email: office@nlefia.org

Mailing Address: 

Box 17063

Tucson, AZ 85731

Hours of Operation: (AZ time)

Monday - Friday | 9am - 4pm

Closed: Weekends & Holidays

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