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"If you work at a range or conduct training you should take this course. You never know what can happen. Be prepared. This course will give you a good base of knowledge to respond to an incident on your range or line. You need medical training and equipment!" - B. Fiorito, PA

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Live-Fire Training Casualty Care


Although firearms instructors do everything they can to ensure safe firearms training, sometimes accidents and circumstances beyond the instructor's control occur and someone gets seriously hurt. It would be unfortunate if loss of life occurred when it may have been preventable through the use of simple medical training and equipment.

This 1-day / 8-hour course is based on the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course and the U.S. military's Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) course, but modified specifically for firearms instructors to address specific issues associated with gunshot wounds and other serious injuries sustained during live-fire training on a range or in a shoot house.  This course is taught by instructors who are both LE firearms instructors and certified EMTs / Paramedics. 

The first and only (that we are aware of) TCCC-style course that conducts live-fire scenarios!

Topics include:

  • Safety briefing on protocols for trauma emergencies
  • Use of a tourniquet
  • Use of hemostatic agents
  • Wound packing and dressing
  • Use of chest seals
  • Treating eye injuries
  • Identifying and treating the onset of shock
  • Communication and coordination with EMS
  • Treat in place vs. self-transport
  • Transitioning from medical scene to investigative scene

Student Required Equipment:

  • Trauma kit (if you have one, not required)
  • Pistol, magazines, and duty or belt holster
  • 50 rounds of pistol ammo
  • Rifle with tactical sling and 1 magazine (optional)
  • 50 rounds of rifle ammo (optional)
  • Hat with a brim
  • Eye & ear protection
  • Hydration fluids and snacks

Hosting Requirements:

  • Classroom (for 16-20 people) with a projector and white screen
  • 25-yard range / 10 lanes wide minimum
  • Eight (8) portable target stands
  • Traffic or sport cones (8-10)
Organizations hosting this course will receive a minimum of two (2) FREE spots in the course.  Organizations interested in hosting a course should contact us at training@nlefia.org 

    Phone: 800-930-2953

    Email: office@nlefia.org

    Mailing Address: 

    Box 17063

    Tucson, AZ 85731

    Hours of Operation: (AZ time)

    Monday - Friday | 9am - 4pm

    Closed: Weekends & Holidays

    Copyright.  All Rights Reserved.