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Semi-Auto Pistol Instructor Certification


This hybrid 40-hour instructor certification course...12 hours online & 28 hours (3 days) in-person...is designed to certify the candidate as a law enforcement semi-auto pistol instructor. Upon successful completion the candidate will be qualified to conduct daytime & nighttime semi-auto pistol training for recruits & sworn officers as well as conduct semi-auto pistol qualifications.  Candidates must meet the requirements for one of our membership categories to attend this course, as first year of membership is included with this course.

Two weeks before the course date the candidate will be required to attend the 12-hour online course where they will obtain all of the technical knowledge provide in the course. The candidate must successfully complete the online training prior to showing up for the in-person portion of the course (28 hours) which is where they will participate in the practical instructor development portion of the course.

Recommendation: It is highly recommended that candidates attend a general instructor course that covers outline development, classroom presentation, and public speaking before attending this course. Practical training in classroom presentation will NOT be covered in this course.  If a General Instructor certification course is not provide in your state, then we recommend attending the Jacobs et al online 40-hour LE Instructor certification course.

Task Requirements:

  • Candidates must pass the online quizzes with 80% or better.  These quizzes cover the technical information obtained during the online portion of the course. Failure to pass the quizzes will result in release from the course and a 50% refund.
  • Candidates must pass a shooting qualification with a 90% or better. The first attempt will be on Day 1.  If needed a second attempt will be on Day 3. Only two attempts will be allowed. Failure to pass the shooting qualification will result in no certification and no refund. To viewed / download the pistol qualification course of fire, CLICK HERE.
  • Candidates must pass a written test with 80% or better at the end of the in-person training. This written test covers the instructor development information obtained during the in-person portion of the course. Failure to pass the written test will result in release from the course with no refund.
  • Candidate must exercise safe weapon handling during the entire in-person training portion of the course. Excessive violations (3) will result in release from the course with no refund.

Course Topics: 

    • Roles & responsibilities of firearms instructors
    • Understanding the importance of the firearms safety rules
    • Classroom & range safety
    • Teaching firearms safety
    • Legal & liability topics
    • Student/instructor ratios
    • How to teach critical handgun skills
    • How to safely run line drills
    • Learning coaching and shooter diagnostics
    • How to safely run low light drills
    • How to run pistol qualifications and avoid controversy
    • Teaching vs coaching
    • Use of common training aids and range equipment

    Required Equipment: 

    • Duty pistol and three magazines. Weapon mounted light optional, but preferred
    • Duty holster & magazine pouch(s) for two magazines
    • 600 rounds of pistol ammo
    • Eye & ear protection (clear eye pro for night shoot)
    • Hat with a brim
    • Hand-held flashlight
    • Knee and elbow pads
    • Black marker
    • Weather-related gear
    • Hydration fluids & snacks

    Hosting Requirements: 

    • Classroom with computer and large wall-mounted monitor or projector and white screen
    • A 25-50 yard range with twelve (12) shooting lanes minimum
    • Night shoot required on the second range day (4 hours of darkness)
    • At least four (4) portable cover stands stable enough to shoot braced. VTAC style barricades work best.
    • 10-15 traffic / sport cones cones
    Organizations interested in hosting a course should contact us at training@nlefia.org .

    Phone: 800-930-2953

    Email: office@nlefia.org

    Mailing Address: 

    Box 17063

    Tucson, AZ 85731

    Hours of Operation: (AZ time)

    Monday - Friday | 9am - 4pm

    Closed: Weekends & Holidays

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